Ach? Triumvirat für historisch inspirierte Humorvermittlung
58 – Die krankhaften Esskapaden von Tarrare, Lotito, Domery, KentDanke für das Wort Überschwupper
7.2.2022 | 6:30 Uhr
Jürgen, Dominik, Philipp
Charles Domery, Deutschland, Essstörung, Europa, Frankreich, Michel Lotito, Neuere und neueste Geschichte, Tarrare, Verdauung, Zeitgeschichte
Episodennummer: 272
Episodentyp: Ach?
58 – Die krankhaften Esskapaden von Tarrare, Lotito, Domery, Kent
We're back, Babies! Nach unserem Winterschlaf hatten wir natürlich ein kleines Hüngerchen. War aber nicht ganz so schlimm wie bei den Protagonisten in dieser Folge. Ehrlich! Das sind nämlich wahrlich keine Kostverächter Knerschitarier! (Anm. Dominik: Beinahe hätte ich die Chance verpasst, das Wort "Knerschitarier" zu droppen. Puuuh. O_O) Lasst es euch munden!
Die Quellen:
- Gönn dir deinen eigenen komischen Geschichtspodcaster!
- #Historytelling | Es war einmal ein unabhängiges Netzwerk aus Geschichtspodcasts und -podcastenden ...
- Podcast: Schwarz, Code, Gold – Deutschland, Entwicklungsland? - BRANDAD Systems AG
- Tarrare - Wikipedia
- History of Calzones
- Polyphagie (Medizin) - Wikipedia
- Hotel Dieu (Paris) - Wikipedia
- Wie viel Kilo fleisch bekommt man aus einem rind? - Community der Fleischwirtschaft!
- Erster Koalitionskrieg – Wikipedia
- Alexandre de Beauharnais – Wikipedia
- Tarrare – Wikipedia
- Charles Domery - Wikipedia
- The Bizarre True Story Of Nicholas Wood, The Great Eater Of Kent
- Competitive eating - Wikipedia
- 1630: Nicholas Wood, the Great Eater of Kent
- Competitive Eating Was Even More Gluttonous and Disgusting in the 17th Century - Gastro Obscura
- Welpen, Ratten, Kätzchen, Leichen: Der stinkende französische Vielfraß Tarrare hat alles gegessen
- Prader-Willi-Syndrom – Wikipedia
- The Man Who Ate Everything | Maximum Fun
- Tarrare: The bizarre story of a Frenchman who ate a quarter of a cow daily and never gained weight — Quartz
- Pica-Syndrom – Wikipedia
- Pica and Eating Dirt | Maximum Fun
- Michel Lotito – Wikipedia
- Michel Lotito - Wikipedia
- The Man Who Ate An Entire Airplane - YouTube
- 19 Fascinating Food History Facts That I Can't Stop Thinking About
- The Creation Of Ciabatta | Bricco Salumeria & Pasta Shop
- The Best Of Kramer - The Calzone - YouTube
- Lustkiller: Cornflakes wurden nicht nur fürs Frühstück, sondern als Mittel gegen Masturbation erfunden | STERN.de
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- History of Frozen Yogurt – Frozen Dessert Supplies
- To Cope With a Wartime Banana Ban, British Home Cooks Made 'Mock Bananas' - Gastro Obscura
- Nazis Planned to Kill Winston Churchill With an Exploding Chocolate Bar - HISTORY
- Meat stuffed in toilet – the kitchen side of Hitler's submarine warfare - ERY Food Machinery
- Pythagoreanism - Wikipedia
- Marvelous Macaroni and Cheese | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine
- Popcorn - Wikipedia
- The First Meal Eaten on the Moon Was Bacon | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
- Burger King spa opens in Finland | CNN Travel
- 16 WTF Moments In Food History That Are Creepy, Weird, Or Both
- Cockentrice - Wikipedia
- Cockentryce - Google Suche
- 10 Weird Food Delicacies from History that are Not Appetizing
- What Did People Eat In The Past? 8 Weird & Fascinating Foods From History - HistoryExtra
- Toast sandwich is UK's 'cheapest meal' - BBC News
- 10 Of The Worst Plagiarists In History - Listverse
- Home | Cambridge University Press & Assessment
- Texas drops special last meal for death row inmates - CNN
- Top 10 Horrific Foods The Victorians Ate - Listverse
- What Is Donkey Meat Called? (How To Identify It & How It Tastes) - First Time Farming
- European edible dormouse - Wikipedia
- Milnes: Watch out for the soup at that White House state dinner, Justin Trudeau | Ottawa Citizen
- Jury begins 'disturbing journey' in Ohio murder trial
- Food History Facts That Sound Made Up, But Aren't
- The History of Ketchup
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- TB's Surprising Results | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
- Mercedes McCambridge - YouTube
- Amateur runner hearing she finished 28th in the marathon. "I was just happy to finish the race" : MadeMeCry